Allison Stokke and Alyce Caron
Allison Stokke, born in Newport Beach in March 1989, is one of America's most famous and wealthiest Pole Vaulters. A picture of her track meets when she was 17 became viral in 2007. This made her pole vaulter. Instagram and Twitter both have a massive popularity among social networks. She's an athlete who is on the same track to Jessica Ennis Hill. The Los Angeles Times among others that Stokke didn't seek nor endorse this kind of attention. Brett Hutchins and David Rowe in Technology Power and Culture in the Network Society connected Stokke's situation to American Soccer players Alex Morgan and Hope Solo. Both were accused of sexual harassment and their image on the internet was framed in a way the authors claimed de-emphasized the athletic achievements. The authors also pointed out that Stokke's social media comments frequently insult and attribute to the sexualization process to the women. Women from other backgrounds drew parallels with the celebrations of Brandi's sports bra when she was awarded the FIFA Women's World Cup in 1999. The women claimed that debates regarding appearance dominated sporting occasions that women enjoyed. Photos of Stokke performing at the 2007 World Cup in New York early 2007, were uploaded to the internet by an Californian journalist working for a track and fields website. With Leather sports blog, which has an enormous male audience, reposted the photograph in May. The article was titled Pole Vaulting is Almost Legal and also commented on Stokke's sexiness. The photographer threatened to sue site owner Matt Ufford if he did not take down the image and the story had already received significant attention and been posted at dozens of other websites. Stokke became the focus of a site dedicated to her. It featured several photos of Stokke taking part in pole vault. The images were quickly shared through social media and online fan clubs, attracting thousands of people. Alyce Caron..............Alyce Caron was born in Houston in the United States in February 1957. She wanted Florida to finish the high school. This internship was the initial step in her new career following her graduation from high school. Alyce has a sister who is an accomplished teacher. She is college professor, and her family is supportive of her. Her family is located in Texas since her father is employed with the U.S. Army. The family of Alyce celebrated her father's birthday 92 years prior. Alyce has used social networking to show her appreciation for his dedication to the U.S. Army, and to showcase her gorgeous daughter. Alyce also motivates her daughter to concentrate on schooling. She has been awarded the National Merit Award from the University, and will be celebrating her 22nd birthday in 2022.

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